The Bank issues registered certificates of deposit for such deposits. 银行出具记名式存单。
The general clearing members shall open an account of futures deposits in the depositary bank of futures deposits to deposit the deposits of their clients and trading members and the relevant funds. 全面结算会员应当在期货保证金存管银行开设期货保证金账户,用于存放其客户和交易会员的保证金及相关款项。
Reconciliation between bank journal accounts with actual bank deposit, prepare adjust report of bank deposit. 银行日记帐与银行对帐单的核对,并编制银行余额调节表。
Whoever uses forged and altered documents of authority for collection, remittance documents, bank certificates of deposit, and other bank documents of settlement is to be punished in accordance with the stipulations of the preceding paragraph. 使用伪造、变造的委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的,依照前款的规定处罚。
Generally, it is the client's bank of deposit that will accept and primarily review application of the client and submit preliminary opinions on the accepted loan. 客户的申请一般由客户的开户行受理和初审,并由该行对受理的贷款提出初步意见。
In a co-ordinated move, the People's Bank of China raised benchmark one-year deposit and lending rates by 0.27 percentage points with effect from Saturday, the fifth such rise decreed since April last year. 中国央行也同步采取了行动,从周六起将一年期存贷款基准利率上调0.27个百分点,这是自去年4月以来,中国央行第五次上调利率。
Individual client can apply for the bank draft in any branch of our bank with cash or passbook of current deposit and Qilu card. 个人客户持现金或活期储蓄存折、齐鲁卡申请签发银行汇票可以到我行任何一家分支机构办理。
During the continuation of this product, if the people's Bank of China raises its deposit interests, the customers shall be subject to more chances of profit losses. 产品存续期间,若人民银行提高存款利率,那么客户将损失收益提高的机会。
If you want to maneuver foreign exchange fund from other places because of job relocation or inhabitance registration transition, Bank can offer you the inter-city collection of deposit. 如您因工作调动或户口迁移需要从异地调剂外汇金钱时,银行可为您打点储蓄存款异地托收营业。
You have lots of banks; the banks are taking in gold and issuing notes but they are forced by the Bank of England to keep a deposit at the Bank of England. 英国有很多家银行;,它们吸入金子并且发行纸币,但是它们都被英格兰银行强迫,在英格兰银行付保证金。
If this is a true currency union, a deposit in any eurozone bank must be the equivalent of a deposit in any other bank. 如果它是一个真正的货币联盟,那么欧元区任何一家银行的存款必然应该与该地区其它银行的存款等值。
This week the Bank of China cut both its deposit and its lending rates. 上周,中国央行下调了存款和贷款利率。
In addition to fixed deposits, can tolerate low-risk investors can also consider bank certificates of deposit from time to time introduced. 除定期存款外,只能承受低风险的投资者亦可考虑银行不定期推出的存款证。
For thousands of Stanford bank customers who bought certificates of deposit, the verdict may be a hollow victory. 对于购买了存单的成千上万斯坦福银行客户而言,这一判决可能是一种毫无价值的胜利。
Interest rate risk: If the People's Bank of China increases the deposit interest rate in the financing product's duration, the investor won't have the opportunity of increasing benefit in deposit. 利率风险:产品存续期间,若人民银行提高存款利率,投资者将失去及时将资金配置于存款时收益提高的机会。
However, only a handful of smaller banks such as Bank of Nanjing and Bank of Ningbo chose to set their deposit rates at the new 20 per cent ceiling, the official Xinhua news agency reported at the weekend. 然而,据官方的新华社周末报道,只有少数规模较小的银行,如南京银行和宁波银行,选择在新的20%上浮上限设定其存款利率。
Money market products including bank bills and negotiable certificates of deposit; 银行票据、大额可转让存单等货币市场产品;
Bank of deposit and account information are published in the announcement for bidding by Bidding Committee. 开户行和帐号信息由招标委员会在招标公告中发布。
The interest rate of bank's loan is higher than that of deposit or savings. 银行贷款的利率高于存款或储蓄的利率。
Bank difference expansion of deposit exceeding credit and Countermeasures for its solution 银行存差扩大问题研究
In order to guarantee the interests of depositors, stabilize the financial order and perfect the control and management of central bank, the establishment of deposit insurance system must be enforced. 为保护存款人的利益、稳定金融秩序、完善中央银行监管,建立存款保险制度势在必行。
The regulator imposes capital adequacy requirements on the bank to restrict the cost of deposit insurance, explicit or implicit. 资本充足率监管是监管者为了减小其存款保险(显性的或隐性的)的运行成本而采取的制度安排。
In order to shake off the negative influence of global economic slump after Sep.11 Accident, the People's Bank of China reduced interest on deposit for the eighth time. 为应对9.11后全球经济疲软的不利影响,中国人民银行第八次降息。
The paper believes that the ratio of utility changes that brought forward by the scale and quality's alterations under a rational bank equals to the ratio of the margin between deposit and loan rate over loan-induced deposit rate. 本文通过建立一个含有规模、质量、效益效用因子的信贷配给模型,分析认为理性的银行对规模和质量的变动而带来的效用变化的比率等于存贷利差与贷款吸存率的比;
But for largescale online transacter such as bank of entire deposit and conversion work, the realtime property and safety of the system can be improved efficiently after adding middleware in C/ S structure. 但对于象银行通存通兑这样的大型联机事务处理系统来说,在C/S构架中加入中间件,可以有效提高系统的实时性和安全性。
However, even if based on risk-neutrality, "Two Separable Decision" of the commercial bank require another restrictive premise: the cost of deposit and loan is separable. 但即使在风险中性的前提基础上,商业银行的贷款利率独立于存款利率还应该有更为严格的前提条件:商业银行提供存款产品和贷款产品的成本是可分离的。
In recent years, with booming development of capital market in our country, a large numbers of funds go into to the capital market directly escaping from the commercial bank. The margin of traditional deposit and lending business has been squeezed after the interest rate marketization. 近几年来,我国资本市场发展迅猛,大量资金以直接融资的方式,脱离银行中介直接进入资本市场,而利率市场化又进一步挤压了传统存贷业务的盈利空间。
The central bank employs the method of up-regulating the rate of deposit reserve to reach the objective of tight-money. 中央银行采取上调存款准备金率来实现对货币的收紧效果。
This article focuses on the possibility of bank collapse of the Kari ravine the third deposit body, in long-term reservoir operation with the reservoir level changing periodically. 本文着重分析咔3堆积体在水库长期运营过程中,库水周期性升降作用下,发生塌岸的可能性。